Couple A’ Nerds Episode 8: Lore Drop: Realms Unveiled – The Chronicles of the Hume and MyrRin

Have you ever wondered about the intricate worlds that lie beyond our own? The realms of fantasy and science fiction often provide an escape into universes filled with magic, mystery, and adventure. In the latest episode of our podcast, we delve into the fascinating world of Extrayus, a land teeming with life and lore that captures the imagination. … More Couple A’ Nerds Episode 8: Lore Drop: Realms Unveiled – The Chronicles of the Hume and MyrRin

Couple A’ Nerds Episode 7: Leveling Up in Life and Fandom – A Couple’s Tale

Are you ready to dive into the lives of a couple who proudly wear the badge of ‘nerd’? In the latest episode of our podcast, we’re introduced to a dynamic duo who not only share a love for Dungeons and Dragons but also embrace a spectrum of nerdy interests that add color to their lives. … More Couple A’ Nerds Episode 7: Leveling Up in Life and Fandom – A Couple’s Tale